
How to Save Your Marriage by Acting Crazy

I have been told that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well, when it comes to marriage many couples do the same things over and over again and wonder why their marriage is in a rut and they often seek help on how to save your marriage.

Now, it's easier said than done to make changes in your relationship, even if it will help you save your marriage. We are creatures of habit and although we are not old dogs, it's hard to teach us new tricks, right?

However, we are talking about saving your marriage today. What would you be willing to do to save your marriage? How much are you willing to sacrifice to save your marriage? In what ways are you willing to change to save your marriage and live in a happy and healthy relationship?

The key to a happy marriage is to have the relationship moving forward or getting better as time goes by. A picture of an unhealthy marriage is when things are staying the same or getting worse year after year.

So here are some tips (husbands and wives) for how to save your marriage by acting crazy

Husbands - how to save your marriage by acting crazy

Do something today that totally surprises, delights and catches your wife off guard. It needs to be something out of character. If you haven't purchased flowers in quite some time try getting some today.
Show up at your wife's job or at home if she works at home and take her out to lunch. Nothing fancy so there's no reason for her to say she doesn't have the time. If you have to take a day off to do so then make it happen.
Cook your wife's favorite meal and have it ready when she comes home or if she is already home have her stay out of the kitchen until you are done.
Make a day trip out to the mall with your sweetie pie and hold her hand as you stroll through the mall gazing at shoes and pocket books.
If you have children, give your wife at least one day a week off where you feed, clothe, entertain, discipline and care for your children. This will surprise and refresh your wife and help save your marriage from stress and frustration. Children are lovely but are also (fill in the blank).

Wives - how to save your marriage by acting crazy

Do something today that totally surprises, excites and catches your husband off guard. It also, needs to be something he is not use to seeing. Perhaps beat him home from work or if you work at home, have a nice hot bubble bath waiting for him when he comes home from work.
Maybe take him out to see a movie you know he wants to see but hasn't had the time to do so or wouldn't go see because you aren't a fan of action packed movies. Hold his hand during the movie and give him a real kiss or maybe make him share a twizzler with you (at the same time) and give him a passionate kiss when you get to the end.
Perhaps if he is a sports fan you can sit on his lap during the game or lay on his leg and endure the game with him. No deep conversations but just enjoy the time together.
Complete some of the projects around the house that your husband hasn't had the time or desire to do. It will totally surprise and delight him when he discovers on his own that the water is no longer dripping from the faucet or the hinges on the doors have been tightened. The key is to not tell him what you have fixed but let him stumble on it.

Your spouse may be suspicious and try to figure out if you fell and hit your head but don't worry about that. You want to save your marriage and doing things for your spouse that are out of character will show your love and affection and help save your marriage.

If these crazy ideas don't work for you come up with some others. Also, remember that going out of your way to make your marital experience all that it can be is an ongoing process. It doesn't have to be everyday but often enough to keep things fresh and exciting. If you don't make your spouse say 'wow I love you" or "you made my day" every so often, then you are not trying hard enough.

Ok, there are many other things to help save your marriage. See here []Saving Your Marriage Today for other helpful tips and resources.

Don't let your marriage get to the point where you can barely tolerate being in the same room as your spouse. Do some insane things and visit here: []Saving Your Marriage Today

Article Source: [] How to Save Your Marriage by Acting Crazy

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